TMA BlueTech Week

The 12th annual BlueTech Week is a value-added networking conference that connects senior officials from around the world who are looking for innovative solutions and collaborative opportunities for business development, economic development, and workforce development in a sustainable Blue Economy. The virtual event takes place from November 16 - 20, 2020. The overall theme this year is “AquaOptimism™, BlueTech & SDGs”. BlueTech Week’s focus is on innovation, collaboration, globalization and sustainability as it brings together academia, government, and industry. The event showcases innovative companies from around the world bringing Ocean and Water solutions to a variety of markets.

BlueTech Week includes a Cluster Convening Day, joint day with Scripps Institution of Oceanography focusing on Applied Ocean Science solutions, 2-day BlueTech Summit & Virtual Tech Expo including keynote speakers, over 50 ocean/water related sessions, the 5th Annual BlueTech Investors Day, and a Workforce of Tomorrow track.

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Event Properties

Event Date 11-16-2020
Event End Date 11-20-2020